Designer Wallpaper Murals
Explore our vast range of talented designers and be sure to find a unique feature wall. Your home will be completely transformed. Choose from Lara Skinner’s psychedelic marble masterpieces and Turine Tan’s magical fairylands. Or step into Simon Fletcher’s sci-fi fantasy scenes or admire Nicola Evan’s abstract block art murals.
Once you have discovered our inspirational range of talented artists, pattern designers, illustrators and fine art photographers, you will be so excited for your new designer wallpaper. Order your original wall art today and achieve a completely exclusive look in your home or workspace.
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Contemporary Artists

Bring your interiors to life by adorning your walls with a stunning contemporary wallpaper mural! Create a unique look with the hypnotic abstract work from SpaceFrog Designs, bask in the beauty of a fluid marble print by designer Lara Skinner or surround yourself with the tranquil tones from Nouveau Prints. View our full collection to see more contemporary designs.
Botanical Artists

Bring the beauty of the outdoors into your interiors and browse our collection of beautiful botanical wallpapers. Explore the tropical jungles with Andrea Haase's and Sir Edward's designs, or immerse yourself in bold floral designs from Uta Nauman and Carol Robinson. Whatever your botanical style, you’ll surely find a design to complete your decor.

Let your imagination run wild with our fantastic collection of illustrative wallpaper murals. From magical landscapes by artist Danny Flynn to abstract and bold designs by Michael Mullan – it’s safe to say your walls will never be boring again! View our entire collection to see more breathtaking designs.
Children's Artists

Transform their bedroom or playroom into a magical escape by adorning their walls with these stunning wallpapers from our best children's artists. Let them explore the great outdoors with Kikki Belle, get close up to fierce wildlife by Jerry Lofaro and help them plan their expeditions with Laura Marshall’s beautiful map designs!
Graphic & Digital Designers

Create an interior guaranteed to impress by browsing these fantastic designs by our graphic & digital designers! Be a rockstar every day by installing a band motif wallpaper from Rock Roll, or turn your interiors into a work of art with designs from Studio Arterie. Check out Simon Fetscher’s awesome fantasy designs for gamers out there!

Feel like you are walking amongst majestic elephants with Martin Sean’s fantastic photography. Be a part of breathtaking scenery with x1 Photography and marvel at the city life Assaf Frank’s photographs capture. View our full collection to see more amazing photography.
Surface Pattern Designers

Inject colour into any room with our collection of stunning surface pattern designs, from intricate designs by artist Valentina Harper to the art deco style of designer Nici Gabriel. This beautiful collection comprises several talented artists, so you’re guaranteed to find your perfect wallpaper mural!
Bygone Era Artists

Allow yourself to step back in time when you adorn your walls with these bygone-era designs. Embrace nostalgia from Steve Crisp's retro designs of sweet shops and vintage record stores, or feel the rumble of a spitfire engine when you install a mural by Nigel Chilvers. This collection of memory-lane-worthy designs will fill your heart and soul with warmth!
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