Ceiling Wallpaper
Ceiling Wallpaper Ideas
Transform your fifth wall with stunning ceiling wallpaper. Any of our beautiful wallpaper murals can be installed onto ceilings, but we've collated the designs that will be most effective when above your head. From bright florals and antique maps to sleek marbles and space constellations, whatever your style, there's a design for every ceiling in every home or business.
From iconic fine art to mesmerising galaxies, wake up each morning with captivating designer wall murals above your head. We're often so focused on the walls and floors we never think about the potential of the ceiling. Whoever said it just has to be plain white? Transform your room with a ceiling wall mural that will catch the eye and wow anyone who sees it.
Like with our wall murals, you can order ceiling wallpaper samples to see if you like a design's look before committing to a complete mural. You can also order samples of each printing material to see which suits your style. From deluxe paste the wall to textured peel and stick, samples ensure you make a decision you're happy with.
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