Chaos in the sky of Bruges - Tapete Wandbild
End of August, we had heavy thunderstorms because of the persistant heat. Flanders was hit the most and had lots of damage. Bruges was in the grip of this particular thunderstorm during 4 hours. I was lucky to find a shelter on top of the old building from the gate close to my place. Usually we don't have big thunderstorms here in Belgium. But this one was a great opportunity to catch lightnings. Tripod ... and camera set on "bulb", releasing the button when the lightnings were flashing with my remote switch. I took many shots. Some were very poor, but this one was a "hit" in every sense of the word.
Jedes von uns hergestellte Tapetenbild wird auf Wunsch auf Ihre Wandabmessungen gedruckt und ist für Sie einzigartig. Wir halten keine Aktien.
Produkt-Code: 1453/0617398-1
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Image supplied by 1x © Yvette Depaepe
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