Notocactus scopa - Tapete Wandbild
The genus name "Notocactus" derives from the Greek words "notos" meaning "south" indicating that the plants of this genus are from the South (America) and the word "cactus" (an old genus name). The genus name implies: "cactus of the south". The species name implies: "scopa" derives from the Latin word "scopa" meaning " a broom", referring to the long and dense spiration. The specific name implies: "bloom like". Notocactus scopa has fir-like spines with red centrals spines. Silvery green cactus with bright yellow flowers normally blooming during June-July. This type of cactus is originally from Southern Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay and Northern Argentina. Notocactus scopa (Syn: Parodia scopa). Common names: Silver Ball Cactus, Silver ball. Image is taken from top view to emphasize its symmetry created with its spines.
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Produkt-Code: 1453/0574315-1
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Image supplied by 1x © Victor Mozqueda© Extended Range Designer
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