The window and the mirror - Tapete Wandbild
This is a detail of a work of art and is a small chapel designed by two Belgian architects, Gijs and Van Vaerenbergh. This building has been voted to the most beautiful religious building of 2012 by architecture, the most visited architect site in the world. It's an optical illusion. Depending on how you look, the Church partially or completely disappears in the landscape. This church design consists of thin layers of steel and is only a work of art. You can google ‘doorkijkkerk’ and you will see a photograph of the whole little church.
Jedes von uns hergestellte Tapetenbild wird auf Wunsch auf Ihre Wandabmessungen gedruckt und ist für Sie einzigartig. Wir halten keine Aktien.
Produkt-Code: 1453/0546296-1
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Image supplied by 1x © Gilbert Claes© Extended Range Designer
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