A Time For Reflection - Tapete Wandbild
This shot was taken in October of 2012 at my favorite spot to catch the sunrise, Kaneohe Bay, on the windward side of Oahu. The problem with this spot is the shooting conditions are really fickle. The best would be a very low tide at sunrise (which only happens a few times a year), the winds need to be extremely still (which also happens just a few times a year), and if these 2 things happen together, then it has to be on the weekend when I'm not working. This day everything came together except that the tide was high. The water was up to my waist in this shot. 7/22/2013 I made the drive to the bay this past Saturday and was very sad to see that this boat and the one next to it have been removed. These were my two favorite boats in this bay. Hopefully this is only temporary.
Jedes von uns hergestellte Tapetenbild wird auf Wunsch auf Ihre Wandabmessungen gedruckt und ist für Sie einzigartig. Wir halten keine Aktien.
Produkt-Code: 1453/0587959-1
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Image supplied by 1x © Mark Yugawa© Extended Range Designer
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