NYC - Tapete Wandbild
The image is a collaboration between Helene Nielsen and me. Helene has been in NYC and took some pictures in the wild city. I have been allowed to play with a few of them. The image is corrected in perspective, and color is taken out of the image. Then there are added 2 photos with clouds on top. The images are also addressed so they came to fit. A little back and forth yes and ended up with what you see. Also think it's funny that the pictures are from nikon and canon. Helene Nikon D5000 20mm and my Canon 5D with 17mm
Jedes von uns hergestellte Tapetenbild wird auf Wunsch auf Ihre Wandabmessungen gedruckt und ist für Sie einzigartig. Wir halten keine Aktien.
Produkt-Code: 1453/0544882-1
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Image supplied by 1x © Leif Løndal© Extended Range Designer
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