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Carta da parati personalizzata murales

We are here waiting for you

Carta da parati murale

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We are here waiting for you - Carta da parati murale

This is a story about friendship. Sandhill Cranes at the Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico, US. Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis) is a species of large crane of North America. They are fairly social birds that are usually encountered in pairs or family groups through the year. During migration and winter, non-related cranes come together to form "survival groups" which forage and roost together. This picture captured such a group that was calling and waiting for one of their members. I merged and processed 4 original photos to recreate this touching moment. This picture is inspired by a 902 years old painting "Propitious Crane" (瑞鹤图). The painter is a Chinese artist Zhao Ji (宋徽宗赵佶), the Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty (1082-1135).

Ogni carta da parati murale che produciamo è stampata su richiesta in base alle dimensioni della tua parete ed è unica per te. Non deteniamo azioni.

Codice prodotto: 1453/0596719-1

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Image supplied by 1x © Shenshen Dou

© Extended Range Designer

Nota: la filigrana mostrata nell'immagine non apparirà sul tuo murale al momento dell'acquisto.


Consegna standard (3 - 5 giorni lavorativi) GRATIS per ordini superiori a 125 € o 15 € per ordini inferiori a 125 €.
Consegna espressa (2 - 4 giorni lavorativi) 8 € per ordini superiori a 125 € o 19 € per ordini inferiori a 125 €.

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