Hace poco más de 12 meses, anunciamos que Kelly Kratzing era la ganadora de nuestro concurso de papel pintado de diseño. Sus delicados murales florales adornan ahora las paredes de muchos hogares de todo el mundo.
Nos quedamos tan impresionados con las candidaturas del año pasado que decidimos abrir la oportunidad a los finalistas: Michael Zindell, Andrea Haase, Danielle Nelisse, Katy Clemmans, Tenyo Marchev y Yani Mengoni. Puede ver todas sus colecciones de papel pintado en nuestra categoría de diseñadores.
Tras el éxito del concurso del año pasado para encontrar la próxima colección de papel pintado de diseño, hemos decidido volver a buscar otro grupo de artistas con talento. Nos hemos asociado con la encantadora gente de Make it in Design, "el hogar de todo lo que necesitas saber para convertirte en un diseñador de superficies de éxito", y hemos recibido una maravillosa cantidad de propuestas que hemos reducido (¡no fácilmente!) a esta lista final. Pero ahora te toca a ti tomar el relevo. Le pedimos que vote por su diseñador favorito de nuestra lista.
El sumario: ¿Cuál es tu época?
La historia siempre se repite. Lo que se repite en las tendencias de interior, siempre vuelve. Por eso, para el concurso de este año, pedimos a los artistas que eligieran su época favorita y basaran sus diseños en ella.
Lo único que pedimos a los artistas fue
- Diseña dos murales basados en una época
- Ambos diseños tienen que estar relacionados
- Los dos diseños figurarán en la colección ganadora
- Ten en cuenta que estás diseñando algo que quedará bien en paredes de cualquier forma.
Por supuesto, ¡no pediríamos todo esto sin una recompensa! El ganador recibirá un acuerdo con nosotros y ganará sobre cualquier venta de su colección. Basándonos en el éxito del año pasado, también esperamos elegir a algunos finalistas con un acuerdo similar.
Su voto para la próxima colección de papel pintado de diseño
¡Necesitamos tu ayuda! Ha sido todo un reto reducir el número de participantes en esta selección. ¡La competencia ha sido feroz! Pero creemos que hemos elegido lo que os va a encantar... Sólo necesitamos que nos digáis qué artista de esta lista os gustaría que formara parte de nuestra colección de papel pintado de diseño.
Desplácese hacia abajo para ver las candidaturas preseleccionadas y vote comentando con su nombre al final de la entrada del blog.
Nici Gabriel
Nici Gabriel, nacida en Austria, no siempre ha tenido una carrera como artista. Estudió informática empresarial y trabajó, entre otras cosas, como gestora de proyectos informáticos. Después de tener dos hijos, se dio cuenta de que había tomado algunas decisiones equivocadas en su vida laboral y redescubrió sus habilidades creativas que se perdieron al crecer. Aprendió todo lo que hay que saber sobre diseño de superficies a través de varios cursos en línea antes de crear su propia marca y dejar su trabajo. Su colorida y versátil cartera se inspira en su vida en familia y en la naturaleza del campo.
Tras elegir la época del Art Nouveau para el concurso, Nici declaró: "Esta decisión era obvia, ya que viví muchos años en Austria. Uno de mis diseños es un motivo floral geométrico con lazos y bucles sobre unas caléndulas y una flor mágica reflejada. El otro está inspirado en algunos tréboles y malvas de mi jardín natural. Las volutas y los lazos le dan la necesaria sensación elegante del art nouveau".
Catherine Worsley
Catherine Worsley es la directora creativa de Northern Lights Creative. Le encanta crear diseños dinámicos y vibrantes en su estudio de Yorkshire. Le encanta experimentar con diferentes estilos y jugar con colores y motivos; su principal objetivo es crear diseños que hagan sonreír a la gente. Sus diseños han aparecido en varios productos tanto en el Reino Unido como en Estados Unidos.
"Me encanta el Art Déco. Los diseños de esa época son tan lujosos y te transportan inmediatamente a esa época en la que parecía que todo era posible. He intentado transmitir esa sensación con mis diseños utilizando motivos atrevidos, me gustaría que quien los viera se sintiera inspirado, reconfortado y, lo más importante, ¡feliz! He elegido una paleta de colores con tonos cálidos que se adaptan a muchos entornos diferentes".
Julia Fonnereau
Julia Fonnereau es una artista y diseñadora de superficies británica de Hertfordshire. Tras haber desarrollado su carrera en el campo de la educación artística, se centra en la creación de sus propias obras de arte y en el desarrollo de una cartera de diseños de patrones de superficie. La época elegida por Julia para el concurso fue el periodo georgiano, centrándose en la fascinación por las artes decorativas de Oriente.
"Transpórtese a finales del siglo XVIII. Tienes invitados distinguidos que vienen a tomar el té y estás deseando enseñar tu nueva decoración de pared. La última moda es el estilo chinoiserie y usted se ha encargado de crear una puesta en escena ambiental. Te encanta la naturaleza frívola y divertida de los motivos, que complementan a la perfección tu nuevo servicio de té con motivos de sauce".
Rebecca Johnstone
Rebecca Johnstone (alias Dainty Dora) es escritora y diseñadora, licenciada con matrícula de honor en Gestión de Diseño Textil y Moda. Se licenció en la Universidad Heriot-Watt (antiguo Scottish College of Textiles) y está especializada en estampados.
Residente en Lanarkshire, Escocia, e influida por su entorno local, Rebecca interpreta la cultura de Glasgow, Paisley, las Tierras Altas escocesas (donde creció) y más allá, para crear sus atrevidos y coloridos diseños e ilustraciones dibujados a mano.
"Mi colección para Wallsauce se inspira en los inicios de la Belle Époque del Art Nouveau. La Belle Epoch -que significa 'época hermosa'- fue un periodo de optimismo, paz, prosperidad e innovación a finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX, que permitió el florecimiento de las artes creativas y que solo terminó con el inicio de la Primera Guerra Mundial.
La libélula es símbolo de sabiduría, cambio, transformación, luz y adaptabilidad en la vida. También he utilizado motivos de mariposas en toda la colección, ya que la mariposa también simboliza la transformación, la resurrección y la esperanza al completar su metamorfosis. Estos motivos encajan bien con el Art Nouveau y la época de la Belle Époque, pero también son muy apropiados para nuestra época actual de cambio, en la que nos enfrentamos a las secuelas de la pandemia actual.
He elegido una paleta suave y apagada en consonancia con la época, pero los diseños también funcionan bien con colores más vivos; ¡he estado experimentando! Charles Rennie Mackintosh -un icono personal del diseño que he estado estudiando durante unos años- utilizaba la flor del fritillary en sus obras, algo que me encanta. Simboliza majestuosidad, orgullo y poder, también muy significativo para nuestro tiempo".
¿Te gustaría que alguno de estos artistas formara parte de la colección de papel pintado de diseño de Wallsauce? Utiliza el cuadro de comentarios de abajo para darnos el nombre de tu artista favorito antes del 28 de septiembre de 2020 (BST). Ten en cuenta que sólo se contabilizará un voto por persona y que tu comentario puede tardar unas 24 horas en mostrarse; no te preocupes, ¡lo habremos recibido! No olvides marcar la casilla y suscribirte a nuestro boletín de noticias para ser el primero en enterarte del ganador.
28/08/2020Nici Gabriel please :)
28/08/2020Definitely Nici Gabriel!
28/08/2020Julia Fonnereau
28/08/2020Rebecca Johnstone!
Nicola Norbury
28/08/2020Julia Fornereau
28/08/2020Definitely Julia Fonnereau 👏👏👏
Hannah Hallgren
28/08/2020My vote goes to Julia Fonnereau! Her style is unique, fun and yet classy! Good luck, Julia! /Hannah
Lisa Mitchell
28/08/2020Love the work from Rebecca Johnstone!
28/08/2020Nici Gabriel :)
28/08/2020Julia Fonnereau
Fiona Lindsay
28/08/2020I love the dragonfly motif and the choice of colours in Rebecca Johnstone's designs.
Joachim Boehm
28/08/2020Nici Gabriel
Eleny Victoria
28/08/2020Wonderful design, my favourite is Julia Fonnereau's, beautiful elements and composition!
28/08/2020So many talented designers! My vote goes to the super kind and oh-so-creative Julia Fonnereau!!!
28/08/2020Julia Fonnereau
28/08/2020Love Rebecca Johnstone's design!
Kitty van den Heuvel
28/08/2020Julia Fonnereau
28/08/2020Julia Fonnereau
28/08/2020Julia Fonnereau
Lil Brookes
28/08/2020Rebecca Johnstone my favourite designer...!
28/08/2020Julia Fonnereaus work is amazing, a vote for her from me!
28/08/2020Julia Fonnereau
Hilary Butler
28/08/2020Julia Fonnereau
Jennifer Hamilton
28/08/2020Julie Fonnereau
28/08/2020Julia Fonnereau's designs are stunning 😍 so talented!!
28/08/2020Julia Fonnereau
Molly Cannon
28/08/2020Julia Fonnereau
Lilli Macrae
28/08/2020Julia Fonnereau
Marie Brezinski
28/08/2020My favorite artist is Julia Fonnereau. All the finalists have beautiful work!
28/08/2020Catherine Worsley- sooo stylish!
28/08/2020I love Julia Fonnereau's designs! The colors and details are so gorgeous!
28/08/2020Julia Fonnereau. It's amazing
Deirdre johnstone
28/08/2020Rebecca Johnstone
Sidney Mortimer
28/08/2020Julia Fonnereau
28/08/2020Rebecca Johnstone. Love both these designs
28/08/2020Definitely Julia Fonnereau! That chinoiserie makes me swoon!
Eryn Madsen
28/08/2020Julia Fonnereau
Annabel Holland
28/08/2020Julia Fonnereau gets my vote
Ketki S Gupte
28/08/2020Julia Fonnereau
Donna Wisbey
28/08/2020I would like to vote for Julia Fonnereau she's a brilliant artist and has been for many years. Her work is very inspirational and the detail she puts in is amazing
28/08/2020Nici Gabriel
Heather Schwarm
28/08/2020Julie Fonnereau
Patrick robbie
28/08/2020Julia Fonnereau
Gemma Smith
28/08/2020Julia Fonnereau :)
Rebecca Topps
28/08/2020Catherine Worsley
28/08/2020Julia Fonner
28/08/2020Julia Fonnereau
28/08/2020Julia Fonnereau
28/08/2020Julia Fonnereau
28/08/2020Beautiful and timeless! Catherine Worsley
28/08/2020Julia Fonnereau
Natalie Farrell
28/08/2020Rebecca Johnstone (Dainty Dora) absolutely beautiful
Maria Patino
28/08/2020Julia Fonnereau! 👏👏👏
Colin Jackson
28/08/2020Julia Fonnereau
April curtin
28/08/2020Julia Fonnereau
Suzanne Worsley
28/08/2020Catherine Worsley's design is fantastic. Loving the art Deco vibe and love the colours and patterns she has used. I'm looking for a wallpaper for my lounge at the minute and Catherine's design would be s perfect fit.
Joanne Robinson-Lamb
28/08/2020Catherine Worsley! Bold, classy and elegant.
Valerie Farrell
28/08/2020Rebecca Johnstone
Alex Landon
28/08/2020Julia Fonnereau I love the koi pond pattern!
Rosemary Gemmell
28/08/2020My favourite is Rebecca Johnstone!
Nina Mazić
28/08/2020all lovely but Rebecca Johnstone catches my eye the most just gorgeous X
28/08/2020Julia Fonnereau
Robin Forsythe
29/08/2020My vote is for Julia Fonnereau, beautiful!
29/08/2020Julia Fonnereau
Andrew Worsley
29/08/2020Catherine Worsley - these designs are the ones I would genuinely consider for my home.
Paul Fonnereau
29/08/2020Julia Fonnereau, definitely deserves to win this! Fabulous designs.
29/08/2020Catherine Worsley
Judith Illsley
29/08/2020Rebecca Johnstone
29/08/2020Julia Fonnereau designs are wonderful
29/08/2020Julia Fonnereau
Nicky Weatherburn
29/08/2020Julia Fonnereau
29/08/2020I pick Julia Fonnereau! Very Nice!
Danny Lawrence
29/08/2020Julia Fonnereau Is absolute smashing it, this is my vote!!!
Michelle Jolley
29/08/2020Julie Fonnereau
Jane Pemble
29/08/2020Julia Fonnereau
29/08/2020Julia Fonnereau
29/08/2020Catherine Worsley - love the dramatic simplicity
Kate Hastings
29/08/2020Julia Fonnereau please
Nikki Campbell-Gumb
29/08/2020Julia fonnereau gets my vote with her beautiful designs.
Steve Hoole
29/08/2020Julia Fonnereau
29/08/2020Julia Fonnereau
Anne Haefele
29/08/2020Julia Fonnearou
29/08/2020Julia Fonnereau. I love the fun and creativity behind Julia's work. Her love of nature shines through her work
29/08/2020Rebecca Johnstone
29/08/2020Rebecca johnstone
Amanda holden
29/08/2020Julia Fonnereau!
Gillian Hall
29/08/2020Catherine worsley Love her designs x
Caroline Hirst
29/08/2020Julia Fonnereau
Louise Fonnereau
29/08/2020Julia Fonnereau
29/08/2020Julia Fonnereau
29/08/2020Catherine Worsley. Love these patterns. Exquisite.
29/08/2020Catherine Worsley. Best colours and most original design
Nicola Lockwood
29/08/2020Catherine Worsley
29/08/2020Julia Fonnereau Love the koi pond design!!
Joanna Ellis
29/08/2020Vote - Rebecca Johnstone
Gemma Doyle
29/08/2020Rebecca Johnstone! Love the colours
29/08/2020Nici Gabriel
Nicola McCubbin
29/08/2020Rebecca Johnstone
Pip Cooper
29/08/2020Catherine Worsley
Pauline Baldwin
29/08/2020Julia Fonnereau
29/08/2020Nici Gabriel
29/08/2020Julia Fonnereau
Sally Gross
29/08/2020Julia Fonnereau
Kathleen Cunningham
29/08/2020I vote for Julia Fonnereau.
Carol Reilly
29/08/2020Julia Fonneraeu wall paper is absolutely stunning. She is definitely the winner.
Lydia Schwertfeger
29/08/2020Nici Gabriel
Jessamin Jensen
29/08/2020Julia Fonnereau's designs are definitively a work of art on your wall.
Claire fielding
29/08/2020Julia Fonnereau
Cindi Mcknight
29/08/2020Julia Fonnereau
Robyn Lowit
29/08/2020Julia Fonnereaur
29/08/2020Nici Gabriel!
Stefanie Pieber
29/08/2020Nici Gabriel - for sure!
Amanda Ellis
29/08/2020Catherine Worsley
Marion Dutton
29/08/2020Julia Fonnareau. I love her designs
Sacha Trude
29/08/2020Wow amazing designs.my favourie Julia fonnereau
29/08/2020Nici Gabriel
02/09/2020Julian Fonnereau
Lucy Conway
02/09/2020Catherine Worsley
Charlotte Sienkiewicz
02/09/2020Julia Fonnereau
02/09/2020Love the designs of Julia Fonnereau -good luck! I\'m a bit of a blue and white pottery lover myself too!
Shona Clark
02/09/2020Rebecca Johnstone
Jane Davalle
02/09/2020Julia Fornereau
Sally Murrell
02/09/2020Julia Fonnereau please
C Flow
02/09/2020Rebecca Johnstone
R Katt
02/09/2020Rebecca Johnstone - uplifiting design
Jo Chipperfield
02/09/2020Julia Fonnereau
Mia Sylvia
02/09/2020Julia Fonnereau
02/09/2020Catherine Worsley
02/09/2020Catherine Worsley
Eileen Serletic
02/09/2020Nici Gabriel
02/09/2020A vote for Nici Gabriel :)
02/09/2020Julia fonnereau
Katie Christie
02/09/2020Rebecca Johnstone's work is beautiful. My vote is for her.
Claire Warren
02/09/2020Julia Fonnereau please
02/09/2020I love Julia Fonnereau's new take on Chinoiserie. The colours are beautiful and I love the "madness" of the fishes swimming over the plates. I can see either of these designs on my walls.
02/09/2020Julia Fonnereau :)
Emily Bower
02/09/2020Julia Fonnereau ❤️
02/09/2020Julia Fonnereau
Keith Duncan
02/09/2020Julia Fonnerau please
Karolina Szymkiewicz
02/09/2020Julia Fonnereau - Absolutely Stunning Artwork
Carolyn Ryder
02/09/2020Rebecca Johnstone
Adriana Vigliotti
02/09/2020Nici Gabriel
Patricia Bird
02/09/2020Julia Fonnereau
02/09/2020Julia Fonnereau for the win!
Mandy Leeson
02/09/2020Catherine Worsley
Alana Weir
02/09/2020Julia Fonnereau
Caroline Rukin
02/09/2020I would like to vote for Julia Fonnereau
Graham Newell
02/09/2020Julia Fonnereau Beautiful covering bright and interesting with a modern retro feel.
Jane Bedford
02/09/2020Julia Fonnereau
02/09/2020Julia Fonnereau
Julie Warwick-Munday
02/09/2020Julia Fonnereau, classic designs with a modern twist.
02/09/2020Rebecca Johnson
02/09/2020My vote goes to Nici Gabriel
Colleen Twance
02/09/2020Nice Gabriel!
Adrienne Cooper
02/09/2020Catherine Worsley
Nuala Hampson
02/09/2020Julia Fonnereau. Love the bold colours in the goldfish print
02/09/2020Julia Fonnereau! Very unique and playful approach, brought an "elegant smile" to my face!
Michelle Harrison
02/09/2020Julia Fonnereau. Her designs look fabulous and these would definitely suit a high end restaurant or cafe as well as any home setting. I like the fish and plates design in particular - totally bonkers, but in a classy way...
Octavia abbott
02/09/2020Julia Fonnereau
02/09/2020Julia !!!
Lynn G
02/09/2020Rebecca Johnstone
Karen Watson
02/09/2020My vote goes to Rebecca as her designs continue to appeal to me. I am not someone who changes their decor often as I much prefer to have a considered classic look. Rebeccas wallpapers would tempt me to make a change as they are absolutely beautiful ❤️
02/09/2020Julia Fonnereau
Nina Vock
02/09/2020Nici Gabriel
Alana Shakir
02/09/2020Julia Fonnereau
Petra Jandl
02/09/2020Nici Gabriel!! Sehr schönes Jugendstil Design!
Dragana Rinnerthaler
02/09/2020Nick Gabriel
Katy Webster
02/09/2020Rebecca Johnstone 💜
02/09/2020Rebecca Johnstone!
Pips Splatt
02/09/2020Rebecca Johnson
Paul Brock
02/09/2020Julia Fonnereau please 👍
Carmel Naughton
02/09/2020Julia Fonnereau
Elisabeth Imre
02/09/2020Nici Gabriel
02/09/2020Rebecca Johnstone!
Elke Zankl
02/09/2020Nici Gabriel
02/09/2020Julia Fonnereau.
Collette Beck
02/09/2020Rebecca Johnson - such beautiful designs!
Camille Stinson
02/09/2020Julia Fonnereau\'s designs are amazing! Love the details and color palette.
Emma Mackie
02/09/2020Rebecca Johnstone
Evelyn Laurie
02/09/2020I really like Rebecca Johnstone\'s work 😊
02/09/2020Julia Fonnereau! :)
Lynne Hood
02/09/2020Rebecca Johnstone - designs are fabulous!
Marietta Gravogl
02/09/2020nici gabriel
02/09/2020It has to be Julia Fonnereau 😍
Iris Schöck
02/09/2020Nici Gabriel
02/09/2020Nici Gabriel
Petra Mikovits
02/09/2020Nici Gabriel
02/09/2020Julia Fonnereau for the win
Katharine Harper
02/09/2020Julia Fonnereau
Nicola mills
02/09/2020Nici Gabriel
Rachel Dickinson
02/09/2020Julia Fonnereau !!!!
Doris Typolt
02/09/2020Nicci Gabriel
Eleanor MacDonald
02/09/2020Rebecca Johnstone I love these
Caroline Watson
02/09/2020I love the fresh colours and clean lines of Rebecca's design. Always something a little bit different. Good luck Rebecca!
Kirsty Toal
02/09/2020Rebecca Johnstone
Anita Holper
02/09/2020I vote for Nici Gabriel
02/09/2020Julia Fonnereau
Dagmar Frühwirth-Sulzer
02/09/2020Nici Gabriel
Brenda Johnstone
02/09/2020I absolutely love Rebecca\'s wallpaper designs, her understanding and interpretation of The Art Nouveau period is fabulous..
02/09/2020Julia Fonnereau for the win!
02/09/2020Nici Gabriel of course!
Nici Gabriel
02/09/2020Nici Gabriel of course!
02/09/2020Nici Gabriel!!!!
02/09/2020Rebecca Johnstone
02/09/2020Catherine Worsley!
02/09/2020Rebecca Johnstone
Elise McFadyen
02/09/2020I like Julia Fonnereau\'s designs, they have a classical elegance to them that would complement the more formal home decor at the same time.
02/09/2020Rebecca Johnstone\'s wallpapers are beautiful - elegant and calming while also joyful.
Kay Muir
02/09/2020Gorgeous designs. Voting for Rebecca Johnston
Burjan Edit
02/09/2020Nici Gabriel
02/09/2020Love Rebecca Johnston
02/09/2020Rebecca Johnstone
02/09/2020They were all lovely but I vote for Rebecca Johnstone.
02/09/2020Rebbeca Johnstone
Samantha Bennett
02/09/2020Rebecca Johnstone
02/09/2020Jane Fonnereau gets my vote
02/09/2020Nici Gabriel
02/09/2020Nici Gabriel
02/09/2020Julia Fonnereau
Colleen Hogan
02/09/2020Julia Fonnereau
02/09/2020Nici Gabriel
02/09/2020Rebecca Johnstone
Celia Moriarty
02/09/2020Julia Fonnereau
02/09/2020Nici Gabriel!!!
02/09/2020287 All beautiful, original designs but Julia Fonnereau takes my vote such vivid colours
02/09/2020nici gabriel
Rachael Burke
02/09/2020Rebecca Johnstone
Helenor Fisher
02/09/2020Rebecca johnstone's designs are superb. So evocative of that period yet fresh and modern. Live them....when and where can I buy????
Catherine Harper-Tee
02/09/2020Julia Fonnereau - these are gorgeous!
02/09/2020Nici Gabriel
Caroline Gormley
02/09/2020Rebecca Johnstone is my choice ... I love the colours in her design and also the fact that she has really researched the symbolism behind the pattern. I LOVE it ... everyone needs colour in their lives
Magenta Wise
02/09/2020I vote for Rebecca Johnstone.
02/09/2020Nici Gabriel
Christiane Steinbichler
02/09/2020Nici Gabriel -Love it !
02/09/2020Catherine Worsley Simply stunning! Her designs made me stop scrolling in an instant. My favourite is the pattern with the dark background. Well done Catherine!
02/09/2020Nici Gabriel 😃
02/09/2020Nici Gabriel. 😍
Elisabeth Hofer
02/09/2020Vote for Nici Gabriel
Eva Böhm
02/09/2020Nici Gabriel - Love her designs!!!
Simone Galler
02/09/2020Nici Gabriel
Barbara Szabo
02/09/2020Nici Gabriel!!!
Barbara Szabo
02/09/2020Nici Gabriel!!! 😁👍
Mad Madame
02/09/2020Julia Fonnereau
Nicola Court
02/09/2020Julia Fonnereau
02/09/2020Nici Gabriel
Samantha Rigby
02/09/2020I love Julia Fonnereau\'s design. Sitting in a room with that wallpaper would transform me into the Orient in a bygone period, with emporers and the Terracotta Army marching through. It is such a powerful pattern but delicate and subtle at the same time. I absolutely love it!
Simone Galler
02/09/2020Nici Gabriel
02/09/2020Julia Fonnereau
02/09/2020Julia Fonnereau. I love her designs.
Russell Taylor
02/09/2020Rebecca,Johnstone, Wonderful an so thought out colours an design, Caughts the eye soon as you see her work ,
Gilly Welch
03/09/2020Most definitely... Rebecca Johnstone
03/09/2020Catherine Worsley
03/09/2020I like the trompe l'oeil effect of Julia Fonnereau's fish design. Very different.
Petra Levonyak
03/09/2020NICI GABRIEL
03/09/2020Julia Fonnereau
03/09/2020Julia Fonnereau
07/09/2020Nici Gabriel
07/09/2020I love the patterns from Nici Gabriel.
07/09/2020Julia's patterns are beautiful. I especially love the plates and fish! Absolutely stunning!
HVAC contractors
07/09/2020Hi everyone! I have long been looking for stylish wallpaper for my living room. I liked the color scheme and pattern. However, my husband had a completely different opinion. He wanted to choose a solid laconic wallpaper. But after reading the article, he agreed that Rebecca Johnstone's wallpaper is just perfect. Thank you! Now I have a wonderful relationship with my husband and stylish wallpaper in the living room.
07/09/2020Rebecca's designs are so refreshing and creative. I would definitely purchase this wallpaper.
dave glover
07/09/2020Rebecca Johnstone
Clare Martin
07/09/2020Nici Gabriel!!!
Suzanne Wright
07/09/2020Catherine Worsley gets my vote.
07/09/2020rebecca johnstone!
Peter Holland
07/09/2020Rebecca Johnstone
Ngamata Skipper
07/09/2020Julia Fonnereau
Helenor Fisher
07/09/2020Rebecca johnstone. Love the colours, shapes and opulence yet elegant vibe.
John Palmer
07/09/2020Rebecca Johnstone's atrwork is truly beautiful. She certainly gets my vote!
Olga Kras
07/09/2020Nici Gabriel 👨🏼🎨😍🎨❣️💖✏️ Those designs makes me want to redecorate again❣️
07/09/2020Nici Gabriel
07/09/2020Catherine Worsley
Amanda Murie
07/09/2020I love all of Julia Fonnereau's designs and my vote is for her, please.
julie braney
07/09/2020Rebecca Johnaon
Joanne Ferrari
07/09/2020Julia Fonnereau
07/09/2020Catherine Worsley Designs that surpass any era thus are timeless, above what is 'on trend'.
Kim Cousins
07/09/2020Nici Gabriel
07/09/2020Nici Gabriel's art is amazing.
Wendy McGregor
07/09/2020Has to be Nici Gabriel!
Sandy Hales
07/09/2020Julia Fonnereau
07/09/2020Julia Fonnereau
07/09/2020Catherine Worsley ❤️❤️❤️
Karen Sørensen
07/09/2020Julie Fonnereau
07/09/2020Nici Gabriel
Julia Lord
07/09/2020I vote for Julia. Love the design.
Suzanne Tucker
07/09/2020I vote for Catherine Worsley. Love her designs
Rita Starr
07/09/2020Very difficult to choose! Rebecca Johnston's. Love the second very much.
Dawn williams
07/09/2020Catherine Warsley. Lovely. My fave But all are talented and deserve to win !!
Linda McAllister
07/09/2020Rebecca Johnson to win
Siobhan Morris
07/09/2020Nici Gabriel.......... unique!
Sarah Harris
07/09/2020Nici Gabriel
Anmarie Martin
07/09/2020Nici Gabriel
07/09/2020Catherine Worsley
07/09/2020Elegant and eye-catching!
Christian Cumming
07/09/2020Great design for the era
Susan Allen
07/09/2020Love the Art Deco style
Joanna Twiselton Jones
08/09/2020I would like to vote for Julia Fonnereau
Anne Haefele
08/09/2020Julia Fonnereau
08/09/2020Julia Fonnereau....they are absolutely beautiful x
08/09/2020Julia Fonnereau
08/09/2020I vote for Julia Fonnereau
Nic Harley
08/09/2020definitely Julia F.
Julie Holmes
08/09/2020Julia Fonnereau, Would love to have any of her designs on my walls.
Gail Bloemink
08/09/2020Julia Fonnereau So breathtakingly talented
Lynda Johnson
08/09/2020Julia please
08/09/2020Julia Fonnereau
08/09/2020Nici Gabrielle
Jane peck
08/09/2020Julia fonnereau. Love them both.
Rosemary Turner
08/09/2020Julia Fonnereau
Ann-Cristine Nyberg
08/09/2020My vote goes to Julia Fonnereau.
Patricia West
08/09/2020Rebecca Johnstone
08/09/2020Julia Fonnereau
Rickard Wahlström
14/09/2020Nici Gabriel
Lisa Jarman
14/09/2020Julia Fonnereau has amazing designs
14/09/2020Julia Fonnereau 😍😍😍
Jane ward
14/09/2020I love Catherine Worsley designs the best as the top pink pineapple design reminds of relaxing on a sandy beach and I think it is a very tranquil paper, the contrast paper is a fabulous festival evening with fireworks and parties all around. The other entries are amazing too but I think Catherine's work would work well as wall paper and could run from one room to the next easily. Well done to all x
14/09/2020Rebecca Johnston please!
Lisa Pertl
14/09/2020Rebecca Johnstone
Michelle George
14/09/2020Catherine Worsley
14/09/2020Definetly julia fonnereau love the fish stunning
shirley Nicholson
14/09/2020my vote goes to rebecca johnstone her designs and colours are great
14/09/2020Rebecca Johnstone: Lovely work.
john fonnereau
17/09/2020Julia must be the best choice.
18/09/2020Julia Fonnereau's are the best
21/09/2020I ADORE the designs by Rebecca Johnstone (Dainty Dora). Definately one for the win!
24/09/2020Julia Fonnereau
Joe worsley
24/09/2020Catherine Worsley
Anne Cooper
24/09/2020I just absolutely adore Rebecca Johnstone (aka Dainty Dora) wallpaper I have seen some of Rebecca's designs and think they are brilliant would love to see her join the designer wallpaper collection at Wallsauce.
Trudie Lea
24/09/2020Catherine Worsley - stunning patterns
24/09/2020Rebecca Johnstone
28/09/2020Rebecca Johnstone
Chloe Carr
28/09/2020Julia Fonnereau gets my vote!
Elaine Templeton
28/09/2020Rebecca Johnstone
28/09/2020Rebecca Johnstone's designs are stunning! Please make this into wallpaper!!
28/09/2020Definitely Rebecca Johnstone. Classy design!
Melinda Winfield
28/09/2020Julia's Fonnereau's designs are vibrant and stimulating, leaving one energized to face life's next challenge. Great work Julia!
Matt Winfield
28/09/2020Julia Fonnereau!😃
28/09/2020Julia Fonnereau
John Winfield
28/09/2020I'm really impressed with Julia Fonnereau's use of images from Nature. She has a wonderful way of weaving them into her designs. Amazing realism woven into her ethereal designs.
Laura Flint
28/09/2020Julia Fonnereau!
Glenda Winfield
28/09/2020I vote for Julia Fonnereau
Georgia Norman
28/09/2020Julia Fonnereau!
Abby Barnes
28/09/2020Julia Fonnereau!!
28/09/2020Julia Fonnereau
Skye Wilkinson
28/09/2020Julia Fonnereau
28/09/2020Julia Fonnerea is amaaaazing!
Michelle Jolley
28/09/2020Julia Fonnereau, her designs are amazing
28/09/2020Nici Gabriel
28/09/2020NICI GABRIEL
Kal Mellor
28/09/2020Catherine Worsley Wonderful designs 👏👏
Veronica Couper
28/09/2020Rebecca Johnstone for the win! I Love her designs!
28/09/2020Rebecca Johnstone
28/09/2020Nici Gabriel - of course
28/09/2020Catherine Worsley
Anne Austin
28/09/2020Rebecca Johnstone
Hilary Pillin
28/09/2020Julia Fonnereau
28/09/2020Nici Gabriel
Jordanna Wild
28/09/2020Catherine Worsley
28/09/2020I think by far Rebecca Johnstone deserves this opportunity. Her designs and artwork are so fresh and imaginative, and so beautifully created too. The dragonfly one leaps out as my favourite 💫
Christiane Moritz
28/09/2020Vote für Nici Gabriel!
28/09/2020Wonderful - Nici Gabriel
Gisela Niemer
28/09/2020Nici Gabriel Stunning!!
Ashleigh Morrison
28/09/2020Rebecca Johnstone for the win!
Daniela Knoll
28/09/2020Nici Gabriel !!! Please
Helene Schütz-Fatalin
28/09/2020Nici Gabriel - I like her dynamic patterns and the appealing colours
Heike Schütz
28/09/2020Nici Gabriel ... great work!
28/09/2020Nici Gabriel
28/09/2020Nici Gabriel
28/09/2020Nici Gabriel
28/09/2020Nici Gabriel
Silke Taucher
28/09/2020Nici Gabriel 🙂
28/09/2020Nici Gabriel
28/09/2020Nici Gabriel
28/09/2020Nici Gabriel!!
28/09/2020nici Gabriel
28/09/2020Nici Gabriel!
28/09/2020Nici Gabriel 🔝✅
28/09/2020Nici Gabriel !
28/09/2020Nici Gabriel
Christa Bourgeois
28/09/2020I prefer Nici Gabriel
28/09/2020Nici Gabriel
28/09/2020Nici Gabriel it is! Very colorful-love it
Renate Koch
28/09/2020Nici Gabriel !
Verena Seidler
28/09/2020Nici Gabriel
Ursula Sinnl
28/09/2020Nici Gabriel
28/09/2020Nici Gabriel
Angelika Gröbl
28/09/2020Nici Gabriel
Beatrix Leberth
28/09/2020Nici Gabriel
annette warner
28/09/2020Appreciating Nici's colour palette, and the modern interpretation of Art Nouveau
Leanne Marie Cook
28/09/2020Catherine worsley
Erin McKeage
28/09/2020Catherine Worsley please!
28/09/2020Rebecca Johnstone
Anne Richardson
28/09/2020Rebecca Johnstones design is absolutely beautiful.
28/09/2020Nici Gabriel is my short list pick Thank you. A blend of colors and design work for me, are easy on the eye and take you to a contemporary style with mixed Art Nouveau, where there is a touch of easy elegance
Gayle Pilkington
28/09/2020Catherine Worsley
Franziska Morrison
28/09/2020Love the striking colours of Julia Fonnereau.
Regina Jones
28/09/2020Catherine Worsley
28/09/2020Nici Gabriel!!!
Donna Albery-Arrowsmith
28/09/2020Rebecca Johnstone ... amazing x
28/09/2020Nici Gabriel
28/09/2020Julia Fonnereau
Zoe Furness
28/09/2020Catherine Worsley
Julie Verdon
28/09/2020Julia Foreneau
28/09/2020Nici Gabriel nicer colour scheme.
Gabriela Tatar
28/09/2020Nici Gabriel
nicolette hughes
28/09/2020Nici Gabriel
28/09/2020Nici Gabriel. Die ist super.
Esther Böhm
28/09/2020Nici Gabriel
28/09/2020Definitely Nici Gabriel!
28/09/2020Nici Gabriel
Lil Brookes
28/09/2020Rebbeca Johnstone
Ian D Graham
28/09/2020I'd like to vote for Rebecca Johnstone's entries - they are so light and vital!
Katie Christie
28/09/2020Rebecca Johnstone
28/09/2020Julia Fonnereau
Jo Paul
28/09/2020Julia fonnereau
28/09/2020Rebecca Johnston aka Dainty Dora - Fresh & exciting wall coverings that wouldn't tire on the eye, lovely designs from a fantastic design era.
28/09/2020I think the design by Rebecca Johnstone is fabulous, shows incredible use of colour & design and I love it.
Lynette Fioroni
29/03/2021Rita Patel
29/03/2021Zinia Redo
19/04/2021Catherine Worsley